What are different types of braces treatment available?


If you are having any teeth misalignment problems then getting the appropriate treatment sooner can be beneficial. Problems like crooked teeth, crowding teeth, twisted teeth, and other misalignment teeth are treated through Orthodontic treatment. Here, one must understand that this problem is not treated by dentists, it is treated by the Orthodontist. An Orthodontist has an extra qualifications in addition to a general dental degree. Generally, braces are used for moving the teeth to the desired location. Teeth braces help you to make a proper alignment of the teeth and jaws to achieve a better position. In early days, only metal braces were the traditional types of braces available for treatment. However, there has been an improvement in braces technology and different types of braces are now available.


What types of braces options are available now?

Now, you can have various different types of braces options available. All these differ in their features and costs.

Here are several different options for the braces:

1. Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional Metal Braces have commonly used braces for Orthodontic treatment. These braces are been used for long years till now. These braces are mainly made out of metal along with nickel-titanium material. They are put on the outer surface of the teeth and are easily visible for the third person. These braces are made with brackets and archwires. The brackets are put on each of the teeth and they are held together with the archwires that exert necessary pressure on the tooth to move it in the desired location. These braces are permanent and cannot be removed throughout the treatment process.


2. Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces are applied in the same way as the traditional braces, only a different type of material is used which is Ceramic. These braces resemble the color of the teeth, so they are not easy to identify. These braces are also called clear braces. However, the metal lines along the Ceramic braces are visible easily. Ceramic braces are not much sturdy and they may break due to a sudden large jerk on them.


3. Lingual braces

Lingual braces are put from behind the teeth and are not visible from the front side of the teeth. Its invisibility from the front side of the teeth is the biggest advantage. However, they create problems while eating and tongue movement to some extent due to the obstruction.


4. SDalign

SDalign are the aligners that are tucked on the teeth which do the same work as the braces. These braces are not visible for the third person and they can be removed whenever needed. Many people are opting for these options due to the flexibility it gives. SD align are comparatively more costly than other types of braces.


These are some of the different options for the braces that can be used for the treatment. You can use any type of braces for the proper teeth alignment. In some cases, if any tooth is creating a problem for putting the braces then tooth extraction becomes necessary. The traditional metal braces are found to be more effective braces and they give desired results.


When to put the braces?

Generally, the problems like teeth misalignment are observed during the childhood days. Many expert advices to get braces immediately after the age of 7 years, as it is easier to remove the baby teeth and permanent teeth start erupting. Here, it becomes easier to give the direction to the newly erupted permanent teeth can give them proper position. Apart from that, you can even get the braces treatment after any age later. The expert will analyze the situation of the teeth and do the necessary treatment. Make sure that you are ready for the treatment, as the treatment process takes 12 months to 24 months of duration.


What are the necessary things to take care of during the braces treatment process?

- Make sure that you are available for the treatment for a longer duration.

- Discuss the payment options with the Orthodontist before starting treatment as many of them can give the options of the installment payments due to huge costs.

- Take care of the braces while eating, playing, or any other activity to keep it better.

- Visit regularly to the Orthodontist to make sure that appropriate fitting of the braces is done for proper teeth movement.


These are some of the common caring tips for braces treatment. Apart from that, you must also do all the necessary caring things as suggested by the Orthodontist. Many people have gained a proper desirable teeth position after the braces treatment. You can go for any kind of treatment, each of them aims to make your teeth alignment proper. Ensure that all necessary precautions are taken during the braces treatment as suggested by the Orthodontist your smile improvement.


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