What care to take after wisdom tooth removal?


Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth that erupts in the mouth after the fall of the baby teeth. These teeth erupt generally after 18 years of age. These teeth are comparatively larger and have stronger roots. Removal of the wisdom tooth is one of the painful experiences for any individual due to the complications associated with it. The growth of wisdom teeth is one of the difficult things observed in some cases. If you are finding a dentist nearby in Ahmedabad then you can find many options here. Dentist in Ahmedabad are well-qualified and they can give better treatment while removal of the wisdom tooth.


When does it become important for wisdom teeth removal?

1. Difficulty in food chewing

When there is a pain in the wisdom tooth, you can find difficulty in chewing the food. The improper growth or general pain through the wisdom teeth will make it problematic while chewing food.


2. Tooth decay

Wisdom tooth mostly gets decayed easily due to several reasons. Some of the reasons include difficulty in brushing, food particles getting easily stuck in the complex areas.


3. Bad breath

Bad breath is generally observed when there is more plaque and tartar development on the tooth. It causes gum disease problems leading to bad breath.


4. Pain during the growth

As the wisdom tooth grows in the last portion of the teeth set, it does not have enough space for growth. It ultimately causes pain while growing. This pain goes on increasing as the tooth grows further.


These are some of the things responsible for wisdom tooth removal. Apart from these, there can be other reasons too for tooth extraction.


What are the caring things to do after wisdom teeth removal?

The pain experienced after the wisdom tooth extraction is for a prolonged period. So, some extra care needs to be taken after the extraction of the wisdom tooth.

Here are some caring things to do after wisdom tooth removal:

1. Put cotton to control bleeding

As compared to the other tooth removal, wisdom tooth removal causes more bleeding. This bleeding can be controlled by putting the cotton immediately in the socket area where the tooth is extracted.


2. Shaking with ice

After the wisdom teeth removal, the portion of the mouth must be shaking properly with the ice from the outside region of the cheeks. It will help to increase the blood clotting easily and give more relief for the person.


3. Taking proper medication

The dentist will give the proper medication for reducing pain and healing the area of the tooth removal. These medications must be taken as per the guidance of the dentist. It will also minimize the pain that occurred after the removal of the wisdom tooth.


4. Avoid eating or drinking unfavorable products

The portion of the socket where the wisdom tooth is removed is very sensitive for some period. So, avoid eating very hot or very cold food for some days to avoid any inflammation. You can drink tea, milk, or juices. You can eat soft food items like soup, avocado, cheese, bananas, cakes, or any other soft food that requires minimal chewing efforts. Hard foods must be avoided strictly for few weeks after tooth extraction. The food that contains seeds, chips or any hard thing to chew must be kept away for few days.


5. Avoid smoking & tobacco chewing

Smoking and tobacco chewing habits affects dental health as well as general health. The wounds of the area of wisdom tooth extraction are there for few weeks and these habits can slow the healing process. Also, there are chances of some infection in the gums due to smoking & tobacco chewing.


6. Avoid spitting & rinsing

Spitting & rinsing both exert pressure on the area of the tooth extraction. It can cause bleeding and swelling in the socket of the extracted tooth. So, try to avoid spitting & rinsing totally for at least two days.


7. Keeping the mouth clean

Although you do not do the rinsing or mouth washing for few days after the removal of the wisdom teeth, it is essential to keep the mouth clean. You can keep the mouth clean by gently brushing, washing with water, using antibiotics, etc. It will help to keep the mouth away from the bacteria development. It will also help to improve overall dental health.


These are some of the care to take after wisdom teeth removal. You can find a dentist nearby to ensure that your visit is done properly. It is not pleasant to go through the experience of the removal of a wisdom tooth. However, it becomes inevitable in most occasions to ensure that the pain is eliminated. Find a better dentist in Ahmedabad to remove the problematic wisdom tooth. Removal is the proper solution for the tooth decay problem. Make sure that you follow proper oral hygiene to get better oral health.


For More Info:-

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