
Showing posts from March, 2021

What are the different ways to do teeth whitening?

Every person desires to have white teeth that can make their smile beautiful. A person’s appearance looks better when they have whiter teeth. However, most people do not have that desired whiteness on the teeth. Some people have worse conditions over this, due to the presence of stains and colored teeth. It particularly aggravates more when the dental care is not taken properly. These problems deter an individual from smiling openly and they even stay away from talking more due to the easy visibility of the colored teeth. Here, the person needs to have a proper solution for the stained teeth. There are different ways of teeth whitening that can make the teeth whiter.   What are the reasons for teeth stains or discoloration? There can be any of the reasons for the stains on teeth or discoloration of the teeth. Here are some of the reasons for teeth getting stained and discolored: - Improper brushing and flossing can lead to stains and discoloration of the teeth. - Drinking

5 Essential things to do after tooth extraction

In a lifetime, most people have experienced tooth extraction at some point. If not, they will surely have to experience in near future. Tooth extraction is one of the most feared things by many people due to the pain associated with it. For the dentist, it is a routine procedure that can be done easily. When you go to the dental clinic for tooth removal, you will be given anesthesia to numb the portion of the mouth. The extraction of the tooth is done not only when it is painful due to decay, it is also removed in case of difficulty in growth, more particularly of the wisdom tooth.   When you experience any pain in the tooth, it is always better to visit a dentist nearby sooner. Wisdom teeth removal is one of the painful experiences for any individual.   What are the causes for the tooth extraction ? Removal of the tooth extraction is done when there is pain or any problem with the tooth. Here are some of the causes for tooth extraction: - Decay in the tooth has gone b

What care to take after wisdom tooth removal?

  Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth that erupts in the mouth after the fall of the baby teeth. These teeth erupt generally after 18 years of age. These teeth are comparatively larger and have stronger roots. Removal of the wisdom tooth is one of the painful experiences for any individual due to the complications associated with it. The growth of wisdom teeth is one of the difficult things observed in some cases. If you are finding a dentist nearby in Ahmedabad then you can find many options here. Dentist in Ahmedabad are well-qualified and they can give better treatment while removal of the wisdom tooth.   When does it become important for wisdom teeth removal? 1. Difficulty in food chewing When there is a pain in the wisdom tooth, you can find difficulty in chewing the food. The improper growth or general pain through the wisdom teeth will make it problematic while chewing food.   2. Tooth decay Wisdom tooth mostly gets decayed easily due to several reasons. Some

What are different types of braces treatment available?

  If you are having any teeth misalignment problems then getting the appropriate treatment sooner can be beneficial. Problems like crooked teeth, crowding teeth, twisted teeth, and other misalignment teeth are treated through Orthodontic treatment. Here, one must understand that this problem is not treated by dentists, it is treated by the Orthodontist . An Orthodontist has an extra qualifications in addition to a general dental degree. Generally, braces are used for moving the teeth to the desired location. Teeth braces help you to make a proper alignment of the teeth and jaws to achieve a better position. In early days, only metal braces were the traditional types of braces available for treatment. However, there has been an improvement in braces technology and different types of braces are now available.   What types of braces options are available now? Now, you can have various different types of braces options available. All these differ in their features and costs. H

How root canal treatment can solve the tooth decay problem effectively?

  Any kind of dental problem is common nowadays, so getting the proper treatment soon is important. The tooth may get infected due to several reasons which can cause pain on different occasions. As the tooth decay goes beyond a certain limit, it reaches the root of the tooth causing more damage. It becomes difficult to save the tooth at this stage and tooth extraction might be needed. However, there is another solution for the tooth that is root canal treatment that aims at cleaning the tooth till the root area. The root canal dentist here will analyze the condition of the tooth and as per the suitability and then can suggest the necessary root canal treatment. If you are residing in Surat and looking for a dentist nearby then you can get some nice options for it. The dentist in Surat are mostly well-qualified and provide you with better treatment. You will hardly find any clinic here with any shortage of dental instruments. Most of the dental clinics in Surat are well-equipped w

What reasons are responsible for tooth decay in children?

  Every parent has the responsibility of different aspects related to their children. They strive to do all possible things to give a better and healthy life of their children. General health is at the top priority for all the parents for their child. Here, oral health care gets neglected by many parents. Also, many children are not concern about their oral health and they have the habit of eating too much sweet. It creates a lot of dental problem among the children that makes them important to visit the dental clinic  soon. Many reasons are responsible for tooth decay problems. Taking care of each problem properly is the option to deal with the tooth decay problem.   What reasons causes tooth decay problems in children? There are some common problems responsible for the tooth decay problem in children. Looking at these problems will help you to take the necessary concern for your child’s oral health. Here are some reasons responsible for tooth decay in children: 1. Irregular & Imp

A sneak peek into Dental cosmetology and the common procedures within the dentistry-

  As  a dental specialist , we are engaged with the activity of  cosmetic dentistry . What is dentistry all about? This dentistry is a method of professional care that focuses on the improvement of teeth appearance. Although the dentistry procedures for most individuals are elective, some cases can lead to restorative advantages. Some common procedures and their working includes- Inlays and Onlays- This procedure is referred to as indirect fillings. These are carried out by a dental laboratory as the teeth undergo mild to moderate decay. For an improper tooth structure, a filling is used. But during the filling, no damage to tooth cusps is ensured. If there is no damage then the inlay is placed over the surface of the tooth. But, if the cusp or tooth is damaged significantly then the dentist uses Onlay for covering the complete tooth surface. Initially, the inlays and Onlays were made of Gold but today they are made from ceramic material and